Moving on from LMAX
By Adrian Sutton
After 7 years at LMAX, I’ll be winding up with them at the end of the month. It’s been a pretty remarkable journey and certainly not an easy decision to move on but ultimately another opportunity came up that I just couldn’t refuse.
I had intended to write up some reflections on the past 7 years at LMAX but I just can’t find the words. Suffice to say, it’s been an amazing journey full of wonderful people, big technical challenges and lots of innovative solutions. The early years in particular were just a fire hose of new knowledge to try and absorb. There have been many changes over the years, but it’s still an amazing place to work and leaving is sad.
All good things come to an end though, and I’ve got an exciting opportunity to join Consensys to do, well, pretty much anything and everything to do with Ethereum. My official title is “Blockchain Protocol Engineer” and while it’s a “distributed first” company (read I mostly still get to work from home) the team I’ll work with is mostly in Australia/NZ working on things like Ethereum clients. I’m really looking forward to being thrown back into the deep end again, delving into the Blockchain world. I’m also looking forward to working with what seems like a team of really great people in a very rapidly growing and changing company. As an added bonus there are enough people in and around Brisbane that I’ll actually get to see my colleagues more than twice a year.